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I Don't Know
"I don't know." For a lot of people, those three words can be terrifying. But for Dwarko Sundrani, the last active disciple of Gandhi, they may as well be his favorite words. How did you come to pick Buddha's birthplace as your place of service? I don't know. How do you sustain all these huge projects if you never ask anyone for a donation? I don't know. Dwarko says that it's not his job to know; ... posted on Aug 20 2003, 982 reads


When the yoga teacher urges her students to stretch like trees, Benjamin Wolfgang gets up on his toes. Jenna Katz opens her palms to the ceiling. Francis Karagodins, however, runs around the room and plays with the curtains. He can be forgiven: he's just 3 years old. Jenna is 4, and with two years of instruction behind her, a veteran in an increasingly popular activity, yoga for children. ... posted on Aug 19 2003, 912 reads


... posted on Aug 18 2003, 1,178 reads


... posted on Aug 17 2003, 2,016 reads


Students at Harvard University were asked whether they would prefer (a) 50,000 dollars a year while others got half that or (b) 100,000 dollars a year while others got twice as much. A majority chose (a). They were happy with less, as long as they were better off than others.... posted on Aug 16 2003, 1,061 reads


It's common. Right as you pick up the phone, you tell the other person: "I was just thinking of you!" Are those just coincidences? Rupert Sheldrake and Pamela Smart decided to do some experiments on it and found that it's not quite so random. In fact, their study showed an above-chance success rate, implying that the callers could intuitively communicate with the callees!... posted on Aug 15 2003, 1,230 reads


Celebrities often change their names to up their star power: Maurice Micklewhite became Michael Caine, Archibald Leach became Cary Grant, Thomas Mapother IV became Tom Cruise, Prince changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol. But now a 20-something vegetarian activist has changed her name --! Why would Karin Robertson legally change her name to a website? She wants to encourage t... posted on Aug 14 2003, 960 reads


Dot-coms went dot-bomb in the economic downturn over the last couple years. But now, those techy-giants and executives are looking another way -- the nonprofit sector. An increasing percentage of people from the Internet generation are trying to channel their energies to do good!... posted on Aug 13 2003, 1,019 reads


Talking on a cell phone behind the wheel is more dangerous than driving drunk, researchers from the University of Utah conclude in a new study. And it makes no difference whether the telephone is hand-held or, as permitted by New York State law, used hands-free.... posted on Aug 12 2003, 1,016 reads


... posted on Aug 11 2003, 729 reads


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To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.
Oscar Wilde

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